Halloween coming up this weekend. Slow update, but as always... busy busy busy. I'm having the best time though. I feel so good in school, still getting to know people each and every day. And just having a blast. I love arbor view, i really truly do. This thursday we have our last volleyball game for this year. Feels good that I'll have more time to do what I want after the season. But still, I've spent every single schoolday with these girls for the last three months (?!). That's as long as I've been here in vegas! I love them all so much, and they have given me such a great experience and memories for life.
I'm so happy I did volleyball though. There's not a lot of swedish people who can say they've played j/v volleyball for an american high school ;)
the first american partaaay, oh my gosh. loved that night!
making swedish treats for my International Relationships class.
My coach <3 she bought me swedish cookies. lots of love!
yoghurtland, never tasted ice cream as good as that. wow!
so glad we go to the same school dori, i love you with all my heart bestie!
horseback riding!!
here, @ UNLV to watch college volleyball!
my girls!
I see this "thing" when me kody and dora went in the supermarket. And it's this guy from my class?! Haha, it was legit.
Hope you liked it, hopefully there'll be more pictures after this spooky weekend.
puss puss.
Hej! Jag ska också åka som utbytesstudent till USA nästa år! Och jag har några frågor: Vad tycker du om EF? Har du hamnat i en bra värdfamilj som bor bra (och inte långt borta helt ensamt)? Hur gjorde du när du valde Las Vegas? Var det en slump eller fick du betala extra för det? Och hur är skolan? (är det snygga killar i usa? :P)
SvaraRaderaJag är jätte orolig över mitt år, jag vill inte hamna i nån mini by på landet med 80åriga människor som föräldrar!!!!
Sen har jag en fråga till, är det mycket fester i USA hos kompisar och så?