Boooy do I have some pictures for u! Finally, after a week without a real camera (out of batteries) I got to borrow Pierre's adapter. So know, I can finally take some pictures that are not taken with my iphone. So today I've hung out with Pierre, the exchange student neighbor I was talking about. After taking a shower this morning I went to his house, they have an a-m-a-z-i-n-g pool, like all the houses in this neighborhood do. So we hung out, got to know each other. It feels really good to have another exchange student in the neighborhood, I've been so excited to meet Pierre, especially since he's french and I speak french. And exchange students just gets one and another. We had a lot to talk about. We had lunch, took a swim, and then we watched a movie in the awesome theater they have in their house. The day went by so fast, at six o clock me and Pierre had to go to the school to get our schedules. Met some people I know from volleyball, maaan it feels great to already have friends so that I don't look like a total loner... And I got introduced to some of Pierre's soccer friends, one of them wich I have U.S history with. I have a really good feeling for Arbor View High School. AND the exchange students at Arbor View are suppose to meet up sometimes during this school year with the exchange counselor and hang out. Really cool I must say. And I'm the only swede, hihihi! Anyways, I got back home and it was Big Brother time for me and my host dad, a little thing we have in common. We both love the show, so we always watch it together and it's just hilarious to watch it with him! Now I'm helping the girls out with their homework since they already started school. Voila (just to put the french out there), here are some pictures!

The view from the foodcourt @ the mall. The whyn.
Chillin @ the Verkerk's
Mommy Kiersten
Daddy Kieth
Raining in Vegas?!
If u haven't had Krispy Kreme yet, u haven't had doughnuts.
@ the team BBQ
Laaaauren and me, we both hate this picture though...
hola pablo
First day of school for the girls. So proud of them. Sarah's starting 5th grade and Lauren 8th, so this is her last year at middle school. We're gonna make it the best!
See the red text on the door frame? We got to sign our name in a "special" room after Lauren got her braces!
Bored girls in the ballet shop, while shopping ballerina shoes for Sarah.
Met one of my best friends (Luca from Germany) from EF Camp while he was staying in Vegas for a few days! And those are not his shades ;)
Hanging out with friends @ butterfly park. Here; me and Madison.
Mom getting her eyelashes
My lashes, before and after! Love them!
First volleyball tournament, my number back in Sweden is 15, 16 was as close as I could get. Although, this is NOT going to be our jersey numbers for the season. This was only for that day since our new jerseys hasn't been delivered yet.
Verkerk's pool.
Pierre from Paris
Sarah with her new big brother, hahah sweetie!
PEW, that's it for now! Upcoming post; school, house, Utah mountainhouse. Stay tuned.