
second day in vegas

Me and my two new beautiful sisters! Love you guys. Today we were suppose to go to the mall, since I'm in need of some clothes and Lauren was suppose to help me to get what i need.  But there has been a change of plans, so we'll do it this wednesday instead. And on wednesday night, me and Lauren are going to our first pool party together with church kids. And Lauren is going to talk to everyone there, she is soooooo excited. We went to church today since it's sunday, it was my first time in an american church. It's really different from church back home, they divided the people to three different grades. One for kids, one for teenagers and one for adults. Now I'm going to have my very first potpie, and then me and the guurls are doing our nails. Tjihoooooo.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej Lina, du kanske inte får svara eftersom jag är en sån som bor i Sverige. Men jag vill bara säga att jag kommer läsa din blogg lite då och då ;) Förresten har du klippt av håret en bit?
    Kram, det verkar verkligen som om du har hamnat på ett bra ställe.
